Privacy Policy of

This Website collects some Personal Data from its Users.

Personal Data processed for the following purposes and using the following services:

    • Access to third-party accounts

      • Facebook account access

        Permissions: About Me; Access Friend Lists; Access Page CTA; Access private data; Access Requests; Activities; Age range; App Notifications; Birthday; Books Actions; Business Management API; Chat; Checkins; Contact email; Create Events; Create notes; Current City; Custom Friend Lists Access; Custom User Actions; Deals; device information; Education History; Email

    • Advertising

      • Google Ads conversion tracking, Google AdSense, Funding Choices for messaging ad block Users and Hotjar Form Analysis & Conversion Funnels

        Personal Data: Trackers; Usage Data

      • Funding Choices for User consent

        Personal Data: Trackers; Usage Data; various types of Data

    • Analytics

      • Google Analytics 4

        Personal Data: browser information; city; device information; latitude (of city); longitude (of city); number of Users; session statistics; Trackers; Usage Data

      • Google Analytics (Universal Analytics), Google Analytics (Universal Analytics) with anonymised IP, Web-Stat live and Analytics collected directly

        Personal Data: Trackers; Usage Data

      • Google Analytics Demographics and Interests reports

        Personal Data: Trackers; unique device identifiers for advertising (Google Advertiser ID or IDFA, for example)

      • Google Analytics Advertising Reporting Features

        Personal Data: Trackers; unique device identifiers for advertising (Google Advertiser ID or IDFA, for example); various types of Data as specified in the privacy policy of the service

      • User ID extension for Google Analytics

        Personal Data: Trackers

      • Cloudflare Web Analytics

        Personal Data: device information; language; Usage Data

    • Building and running this Website

      • Ghost with User subscriptions

        Personal Data: billing address; contact info; device information; email address; first name; last name; phone number; physical address; purchase history; shipping address; Trackers; Usage Data

    • Collection of privacy-related preferences

      • iubenda Consent Database

        Personal Data: Data communicated while using the service; Trackers

      • iubenda Privacy Controls and Cookie Solution

        Personal Data: Trackers

    • Connecting Data

      • Zapier

        Personal Data: city; company name; country; Data communicated while using the service; date of birth; device information; email address; first name; gender; geographic position; language; last name; phone number; picture; profession; screenshots; Usage Data; workplace; ZIP/Postal code

    • Contacting the User

      • Mailing list or newsletter

        Personal Data: city; company name; country; county; date of birth; email address; first name; gender; last name; phone number; physical address; profession; state; Trackers; Usage Data; website

      • Contact form

        Personal Data: city; company name; country; county; date of birth; email address; fax number; field of activity; first name; gender; last name; number of employees; phone number; physical address; profession; state; Trackers; Usage Data; User ID; various types of Data; website; ZIP/Postal code

    • Content performance and features testing (A/B testing)

      • Google Optimize and Google Optimize 360

        Personal Data: Trackers; Usage Data

    • Data transfer outside of the UK

      • Data transfer abroad based on consent (UK), Data transfer abroad based on standard contractual clauses (UK), Other legal basis for Data transfer abroad (UK) and Data transfers according to a UK adequacy regulation

        Personal Data: various types of Data

    • Data transfer outside the EU

      • Data transfer abroad based on consent, Data transfer abroad based on standard contractual clauses, Data transfer to countries that guarantee European standards and Other legal basis for Data transfer abroad

        Personal Data: various types of Data

    • Displaying content from external platforms

      • Google Fonts, Google Maps widget and Google Programmable Search Engine with AdSense

        Personal Data: Trackers; Usage Data

    • Handling activities related to productivity

      • Gmail

        Personal Data: city; company name; country; Data communicated while using the service; date of birth; email address; gender; geographic position; last name; phone number; physical address; profession; profile picture; screenshots; Trackers; Usage Data; workplace

    • Handling activity data

      • Activity data tracked by your device

        Personal Data: blood type; body measurements & indexes; date of birth; gender; general activity data; heart rate and other vital data; movement activity; sleeping activity

    • Handling payments

      • Stripe

        Personal Data: billing address; email address; first name; last name; purchase history; Trackers; Usage Data; various types of Data as specified in the privacy policy of the service

    • Heat mapping and session recording

      • Hotjar Heat Maps & Recordings

        Personal Data: Trackers; Usage Data; various types of Data as specified in the privacy policy of the service

    • Infrastructure monitoring

      • Sentry

        Personal Data: various types of Data as specified in the privacy policy of the service

    • Interaction with data collection platforms and other third parties

      • Hotjar Recruit User Testers

        Personal Data: Trackers; Usage Data; various types of Data

    • Interaction with external social networks and platforms

      • Twitter Tweet button and social widgets, Facebook Like button and social widgets and LinkedIn button and social widgets

        Personal Data: Trackers; Usage Data

    • Interaction with online survey platforms

      • Hotjar Poll & Survey widgets

        Personal Data: Trackers; Usage Data; various types of Data

    • Location-based interactions

      • Geolocation and Non-continuous geolocation

        Personal Data: geographic position

    • Managing contacts and sending messages

      • GetResponse

        Personal Data: company name; country; date of birth; email address; first name; gender

      • Trustpilot Automatic Feedback Service

        Personal Data: billing address; budget; city; country; county; customer support; data relating to the point of sale; email address; first name; geography/region; in-app purchases; invoicing information; IP address; language; last name; latitude (of city); longitude (of city); metro area; order ID; phone number; province; purchase history; shipping address; state; Trackers; Usage Data; User ID; ZIP/Postal code

      • OneSignal

        Personal Data: email address; geographic position; language; Trackers; unique device identifiers for advertising (Google Advertiser ID or IDFA, for example); Usage Data; various types of Data as specified in the privacy policy of the service

    • Managing data collection and online surveys

      • Data provided via online forms, managed directly

        Personal Data: answers to questions

      • Google Forms

        Personal Data: answers to questions; city; company name; contact info

      • Hotjar surveys

        Personal Data: company name; country; Data communicated while using the service; date of birth; email address; first name

    • Platform services and hosting

      • Ghost(Pro) with User subscriptions

        Personal Data: billing address; contact info; device information; email address; first name; last name; phone number; physical address; purchase history; shipping address; Trackers; Usage Data

      • Ghost(Pro)

        Personal Data: device information; Usage Data

    • Registration and authentication

      • Auth0

        Personal Data: email address; first name; last name; password; picture; Trackers; various types of Data as specified in the privacy policy of the service

    • Registration and authentication provided directly by this Website

      • Direct registration

        Personal Data: academic background; billing address; budget; company name; country; county; date of birth; email address; fax number; field of activity

    • Social features

      • Public profile

        Personal Data: city; company name; country; county; date of birth; email address; first name; gender; geographic position; last name; phone number; physical address; picture; profession; state; username

    • Spam and bots protection

      • Cloudflare Bot Management

        Personal Data: app information; Application opens; browser information; browsing history; city; clicks; country; county; custom events; device information; device logs; geography/region; interaction events; IP address; keypress events; language; latitude (of city); launches; longitude (of city); metro area; motion sensor events; mouse movements; number of sessions; operating systems; page events; page views; province; scroll position; scroll-to-page interactions; search history; session duration; session statistics; state; touch events; Trackers; Usage Data; video views; ZIP/Postal code

      • Google reCAPTCHA

        Personal Data: answers to questions; clicks; keypress events; motion sensor events; mouse movements; scroll position; touch events; Trackers; Usage Data

    • Tag Management

      • Google Tag Manager

        Personal Data: Trackers; Usage Data

    • Traffic optimisation and distribution

      • Cloudflare

        Personal Data: Trackers; various types of Data as specified in the privacy policy of the service

      • Bunny CDN and jsDelivr CDN

        Personal Data: Usage Data

Information on opting out of interest-based advertising

In addition to any opt-out feature provided by any of the services listed in this document, Users may learn more on how to generally opt out of interest-based advertising within the dedicated section of the Cookie Policy.

Further information about the processing of Personal Data

    • The Service is intended for adults

      Users declare themselves to be adult according to their applicable legislation. Minors may not use this Website.

    • Unique device identification

      This Website may track Users by storing a unique identifier of their device, for analytics purposes or for storing Users' preferences.

    • The Service is directed to children under the age of 13

      This Website is directed to children under the age of 13. It doesn't require the child to disclose any more information than is reasonably necessary to participate in its activity.
      Parents may review the personal information about their child collected by this Website - if any - outlined in the rest of this policy, ask for its deletion and request any further collection or use to be omitted by contacting the Owner. Parents may also agree to the collection and use of their child’s information, but still not allow disclosure to third parties, unless disclosure is integral to the Service.

    • The Service is not directed to children under the age of 13

      Users declare themselves to be adult according to their applicable legislation. Minors may use this Website only with the assistance of a parent or guardian. Under no circumstance persons under the age of 13 may use this Website.

    • Equal protection of User Data

      This Website shares User Data only with third parties carefully selected to ensure that they provide the same or equal protection of User Data as stated in this privacy policy and requested by applicable data protection laws. Further information on data processing and privacy practices by third parties can be found in their respective privacy policies.

    • Analysis and predictions based on the User’s Data (“profiling”)

      The Owner may use the Personal and Usage Data collected through this Website to create or update User profiles. This type of Data processing allows the Owner to evaluate User choices, preferences and behaviour for the purposes outlined in the respective section of this document.
      User profiles can also be created through the use of automated tools like algorithms, which can also be provided by third parties. To find out more about the profiling activities performed, Users can check the relevant sections of this document.
      The User always has a right to object to this kind of profiling activity. To find out more about the User's rights and how to exercise them, the User is invited to consult the section of this document outlining the rights of the User.

    • Collection of personal information about California consumers below the age of 13

      We collect personal information of consumers below the age of 13 and won't sell or share their personal information unless their parents or guardians have opted in on behalf of those minors.

    • Preference Cookies

      Preference Cookies store the User preferences detected on this Website in the local domain such as, for example, their timezone and region.

    • Selling goods and services online

      The Personal Data collected are used to provide the User with services or to sell goods, including payment and possible delivery.
      The Personal Data collected to complete the payment may include the credit card, the bank account used for the transfer, or any other means of payment envisaged. The kind of Data collected by this Website depends on the payment system used.

    • Collection of personal information about California consumers aged 13 to 16

      We collect personal information of consumers between the age of 13 and 16 and won't sell or share their data personal information unless those consumers have opted in.

    • Rights for registered California Users under the age of 18

      California's "Online Eraser" law, part of California's Business and Professions Code Sections 22580-22582, requires operators of certain websites and online services targeting minors to allow registered Users who are under the age of 18 and residents of California to request removal of content they post.

      If a registered User fits that description and posted content on this Website, they may request removal of such content by contacting the Owner or its privacy policy coordinator at the contact details provided in this document.

      In response to this request, the Owner may make content posted by the registered User invisible to other registered Users and the public (rather than deleting it entirely), in which case the content may remain on the Owner's servers. It may also be publicly available elsewhere if a third party copied and reposted this content.

    • We do not collect personal information about California consumers below the age of 16

      We do not knowingly collect personal information of consumers who are below the age of 16 nor do we sell or share it.

    • Transfer of personal information outside of Brazil to countries that guarantee the same protection standards as LGPD

      We can transfer your personal information outside of the Brazilian territory, if the destination country, or the international organization which receives the personal information, provides an adequate level of protection of the personal information according to the ANPD.
      The ANPD authorizes such transfers whenever it considers that country to possess and provide personal information protection standards comparable to those set forth by the LGPD, having taken into account the following:

      • the general and sectoral rules of the legislation in force in the country of destination or in the international organization;
      • the nature of the personal information subject to the transfer;
      • the compliance with the general principles on the protection of the personal information and on the rights of the individuals as set forth in the LGPD;
      • the adoption of suitable security measures;
      • the existence of judicial and institutional guarantees for the respect of personal information protection rights; and
      • any other pertinent circumstance related to the relevant transfer.
    • Transfer of personal information outside of Brazil based on your consent

      We can transfer your personal information outside of the Brazilian territory if you consent to such transfer.
      When we ask for your consent, we’ll make sure to provide all the information that you need to make an educated decision and to understand the implications and consequences of providing or denying your consent.
      Such information will be given in clear and plain language and in such a way that you’ll be able to clearly distinguish these requests from other consent requests that we may possibly ask.
      You may withdraw your consent at any time.

    • Transfer of personal information outside of Brazil based on contracts and other legal means

      We can transfer your personal information outside of the Brazilian territory provided that we are able to ensure that any further processing of your personal information will be in compliance with the principles and the rules established by the LGPD, and your rights are safeguarded.

      To do so, we may use one of the following legal means:

      • specific contractual clauses for each given transfer. This means that we will enter into an agreement with the recipient of your personal information to make sure that such transfers meet the requirements explained above. Such an agreement shall be subject to the ANPD’s prior verification;
      • standard contractual clauses. These clauses set terms and conditions for the transfer of personal information and are adopted by the ANPD;
      • global corporate clauses. These clauses set terms and conditions for the transfer of personal information within an organisation and, before they come into force, are subject to the ANPD’s prior verification;
      • seals of approval, certificates and codes of conduct regularly issued by the ANPD. These legal instruments allow us to transfer your personal information provided that we abide by their rules. They are subject to the previous approval of the ANPD.

Contact information

    • Owner and Data Controller

      Spaziocrypto Limited - Galton Tower, 22, Civic Close, Birmingham, England, B1 2NW

      Owner contact email: