Privacy Policy of the iubenda Facebook app

This Application collects some Personal Data from its Users.

  • Facebook permissions asked by this Application

    • Basic information

      Allows the Owner to retrieve some basic information from your Facebook profile.

    • Access private data

      Access the user's and friends' private data

    • Birthday

      Provides access to the birthday.

    • Create Events

      Create and modify events

    • Email

      Send emails

    • Events

      Provides access to the list of events the user is attending

    • Friends' birthdays

      Provides access to the friends' birthdays.

    • Insights

      Access Insights data for the user's pages and applications

    • Manage Pages

      Manage the user's pages.

    • Publish to the Wall

      Publish content to the Wall.

    • Website

      Provides access to the user's web site URL.

  • Use of the Data and other Data collected

    • Access to third party services' accounts

      • Facebook account access

        Permissions: Access private data; Birthday; Create Events; Email; Events; Friends' birthdays; Insights; Manage Pages; Publish to the Wall; Website

    • Advertising

      • Google AdSense

        Personal Data: Cookies; Usage Data

    • Analytics

      • Google Analytics (Universal Analytics) and KISSmetrics

        Personal Data: Cookies; Usage Data

    • Handling payments

      • Allopass

        Personal Data: various types of Data as specified in the privacy policy of the service

    • Heat mapping

      • ClickTale and Crazy Egg

        Personal Data: Cookies; Usage Data

    • Interaction with external social networks and platforms

      • AddThis and Facebook Like button and social widgets

        Personal Data: Cookies; Usage Data

    • Interaction with support and feedback platforms

      • Uservoice Widget

        Personal Data: Cookies; Usage Data

    • Managing contacts and sending messages

      • AWeber

        Personal Data: email address

    • Registration and authentication

      • Direct registration

        Personal Data: address; email address; gender; ZIP/Postal code

    • Social features

      • Inviting and suggesting friends

        Personal Data: Various types of Data

Information on opting out of interest-based advertising

In addition to any opt-out feature provided by any of the services listed in this document, Users may follow the instructions provided by YourOnlineChoices (EU), the Network Advertising Initiative (US) and the Digital Advertising Alliance (US), DAAC (Canada), DDAI (Japan) or other similar initiatives. Such initiatives allow Users to select their tracking preferences for most of the advertising tools. The Owner thus recommends that Users make use of these resources in addition to the information provided in this document.

The Digital Advertising Alliance offers an application called AppChoices that helps Users to control interest-based advertising on mobile apps.

Users may also opt out of certain advertising features through applicable device settings, such as the device advertising settings for mobile phones or ads settings in general.

Contact information

    • Owner and Data Controller

      mimmo fb app

      Owner contact email: