MOTOVIBRATOR FINDER raccoglie alcuni Dati Personali dei propri Utenti.

Dati Personali trattati per le seguenti finalità e utilizzando i seguenti servizi:

    • Contattare l'Utente

      • Modulo di contatto

        Dati Personali: CAP; città; Codice Fiscale; cognome; data di nascita; email; indirizzo; nazione; nome; numero di telefono; professione; provincia; sesso; settore di attività; stato; varie tipologie di Dati

    • Gestione contatti e invio di messaggi

      • HubSpot Email

        Dati Personali: Dati di utilizzo; email

    • Gestione dei database di Utenti

      • HubSpot CRM

        Dati Personali: cognome; email; nome; varie tipologie di Dati secondo quanto specificato dalla privacy policy del servizio

    • Gestione dei tag

      • Google Tag Manager

        Dati Personali: Cookie; Dati di utilizzo

    • Interazioni basate sulla posizione

      • Geolocalizzazione non continua e Geolocalizzazione

        Dati Personali: posizione geografica

    • Ottimizzazione e distribuzione del traffico

      • Cloudflare

        Dati Personali: Cookie; varie tipologie di Dati secondo quanto specificato dalla privacy policy del servizio

    • Protezione dallo SPAM

      • Google reCAPTCHA

        Dati Personali: Cookie; Dati di utilizzo

    • Pubblicità

      • Google Ad Manager

        Dati Personali: Cookie; Dati di utilizzo

      • Monitoraggio conversioni di Google Ads

        Dati Personali: Dati di utilizzo; Strumenti di Tracciamento

    • Registrazione ed autenticazione

      • Registrazione diretta

        Dati Personali: cognome; data di nascita; email; formazione accademica; ID Utente; indirizzo; lingua; nazione; nome; password; professione; sede di lavoro; stato; username; varie tipologie di Dati

      • GitHub OAuth

        Dati Personali: varie tipologie di Dati secondo quanto specificato dalla privacy policy del servizio

    • Remarketing e behavioral targeting

      • Google Ad Manager Audience Extension e Remarketing con Google Analytics

        Dati Personali: Cookie; Dati di utilizzo

    • Servizi di piattaforma e hosting


        Dati Personali: varie tipologie di Dati secondo quanto specificato dalla privacy policy del servizio

    • Statistica

      • Google Analytics (Universal Analytics), Google Analytics (Universal Analytics) con IP anonimizzato, Statistiche raccolte in modo diretto e Wordpress Stat

        Dati Personali: Cookie; Dati di utilizzo

      • Google Analytics 4

        Dati Personali: città; Dati di utilizzo; informazioni sul browser; informazioni sul dispositivo; latitudine (della città); longitudine (della città); numero di Utenti; statistiche delle sessioni; Strumenti di Tracciamento

    • Test di performance di contenuti e funzionalità (A/B testing)

      • Google Optimize e Google Optimize 360

        Dati Personali: Cookie; Dati di utilizzo

    • Visualizzazione di contenuti da piattaforme esterne

      • Widget Google Maps e Widget Video YouTube

        Dati Personali: Cookie; Dati di utilizzo

      • Google Fonts

        Dati Personali: Dati di utilizzo; varie tipologie di Dati secondo quanto specificato dalla privacy policy del servizio

      • Font Awesome e Widget Video YouTube senza cookie

        Dati Personali: Dati di utilizzo

      • Gravatar

        Dati Personali: Dati di utilizzo; email

Informazioni su come disattivare gli annunci pubblicitari basati sugli interessi

Oltre a qualsiasi funzione di opt-out fornita da uno qualsiasi dei servizi elencati in questo documento, gli Utenti possono leggere di più su come disattivare gli annunci pubblicitari basati sugli interessi nell'apposita sezione della Cookie Policy.

Ulteriori informazioni sul trattamento dei Dati Personali

    • Olivibra Privacy Policy and Cookies

      By treatment, we mean the collection, recording, organization, storage, processing, modification, selection, extraction, comparison, use, interconnection, blocking, communication, dissemination, erasure, destruction of personal data. These data are used in connection with our business and imply also sending of newsletters.
      The data shall be stored for the time strictly necessary to achieve the purposes mentioned above and to provide the user with the required service; the storage period is of ten years starting the last interaction between the parties (or starting the date they have been collected). The information shall not be shared. OLI S.p.A. reserves the right to share and provide the information collected to the companies within the Group for the same purpose. In this regard we hereby inform you that your data can be transferred in the countries where OLI S.p.A. and its branches are located, meaning also outside Europe.

      This policy applies exclusively to this website and not for other websites that may be consulted through links published on this site; on these third party sites, the Holder of the treatment is not to be considered liable in any manner.

      Non-Personal Data Collected Automatically

      When you access our websites, we may automatically (i.e., not by registration) collect non-personal data (e.g. type of internet browser and operating system used, domain name of the website from which you came, number of visits, average time spent on the website, pages viewed). We may use this data and share it with our worldwide affiliates to monitor the attractiveness of our websites and improve their performance or content.


      We use cookies in our websites to collect and store pieces of information in small files on the hard drive of your computer in order to best tailor the navigation experience on your preferences. No personal information is stored in our cookies. We only use them to identify your computer and gather data form your navigation (e.g.: your previous browsing on our website, your IP address).

      Use of Cookies

      The aggregate information collected allows us to analyse traffic patterns on our website and improve the navigation experience of our visitors. We use cookies while sending forms, to geo-locate your position, to store browsing preferences (e.g. preferred OLI website), to collect user data to ease log-in procedure, to suggest useful links based on last visited pages, to collect navigation statistics (Google analytics) to improve our online services, to share information through social networks.
      Most browsers accept cookies automatically, but the user can change the settings to disable this feature. It is possible to block all types of cookies or to accept only some and disable others. The “Options” or “Preferences” section of the browser menu allows the user to receive cookies and other tracking technologies and explains how to obtain browser notifications about the activation of such technologies. Alternatively, the user can also refer to the “Help” section present in most browsers. It is also possible to select the preferred browser from the list below; follow the instructions: - Internet Explorer; - Chrome; - Safari; - Firefox; - Opera. For mobile devices: - Android; - Safari; - Windows Phone; - Blackberry. To learn more about cookies and to manage preferences about (first and/or third party) cookies, users are invited to visit the platform However, it should be noted that disabling the navigation or functional cookies may cause the malfunction of the site and/or may limit the services offered.

      Essential Cookies

      There are some cookies that are essential because without them our website cannot work properly. These essential cookies cannot be disabled.

      OLI Cookies

      Our cookies contain a random ID, site preferences specified by the visitors, short visitor browsing history on OLI websites. They expire in 30 days.

      Other Cookies

      We set a few cookies by ourselves but when we include services by other websites, they get the possibility to set cookies as well, to help them serve their content. Here below you will find a list of services we use and which cookies they set. Since they can change in time depending on their development, we cannot guarantee that we will always have precisely listed all the cookies you may get from a third party.

      Google Analytics
      We use Google Analytics to collect and analyse information on how visitors use our sites. The information includes your IP address and is transmitted and stored by Google, on its servers.
      Google creates reports on website activities and provides other services related to internet usage. Google may also pass this information on to third parties when required to do so by law, or when such third parties process the information on Google’s behalf. Google will not associate your IP address with any other data held by Google. By using this website, you allow to the processing of browsing data by Google as explained above. You can still opt out by turning off cookies preferences in your browser. For more information please visit

      We use social plug-ins to share website contents on Facebook. If you have already been on Facebook, it will access some previously stored cookies. If not, no other cookies will be added. The The Facebook support site on cookies can be visited at

      We make use of Twitter social plug-ins to allow sharing content via Twitter. Twitter uses cookies to improve its services. If you want more information on twitter privacy policy please visit

      We set up a Google+ plug-in on many of our pages to allow visitors to share links via that service. For more information about the Google+1 button, see their privacy policy at

      Children’s Privacy

      This website is not directed to children under the age of thirteen and we do not knowingly collect personal information from children under the age of thirteen on this site or any other OLI sites. Should we become aware that we have inadvertently received personal information from a visitor under the age of thirteen, we will delete the information from our records.

      Changes to this Policy

      Please note this Privacy Policy will change from time to time. We expect most such changes to be minor, but there may be changes that are more significant.
      Regardless, we will post those changes on this page and, if the changes are significant, we will also provide a more prominent notice. Each version will be noted at the bottom of the page. Prior versions of this Privacy Policy will be kept in an for you to view.
      This policy has been last updated on May 2018. Changes include better description of our usage of cookies and the addition of a section concerning user-generated content on the site.

      Should you have any additional questions, please feel free to contact us any time.

      The web site now stores cookies on your computer. You may restrict this to using only some of them or none, however you may not be able to use certain features of the web site including but not limited to: log in, see personalized content, switching between different language versions of the website.

    • Analisi dei Dati dell’Utente e previsioni (“profilazione”)

      Il Titolare potrebbe trattare i dati d’utilizzo raccolti attraverso MOTOVIBRATOR FINDER per creare o aggiornare profili di utenza. Questo tipo di trattamento consente al Titolare di valutare scelte, preferenze e comportamento dell’Utente per gli scopi specificati nelle rispettive sezioni di questo documento.
      I profili d’utenza possono essere creati anche grazie a strumenti automatizzati, come algoritmi, che possono anche essere offerti da terze parti. Per ottenere ulteriori informazioni sull’attività di profilazione l’Utente può fare riferimento alle rispettive sezioni di questo documento.
      L’Utente ha in ogni momento diritto ad opporsi a tale attività di profilazione. Per scoprire di più sui diritti dell’Utente e su come esercitarli, l’Utente può fare riferimento alla sezione di questo documento relativa ai diritti degli Utenti.

Informazioni di contatto

    • Titolare del Trattamento dei Dati

      Via Canalazzo nr. 35
      41036 MEDOLLA (MO)
      Fax: +39 0535 410 650
      C.F. e P.IVA 0252 646 0361 - R.E.A. 309351 MO - Cap.Soc. € 1.200.000,00 i.v.

      Indirizzo email del Titolare: