Privacy Policy di

Questo Sito Web raccoglie alcuni Dati Personali dei propri Utenti.

Dati Personali trattati per le seguenti finalità e utilizzando i seguenti servizi:

    • Contattare l'Utente

      • Mailing List o Newsletter e Modulo di contatto

        Dati Personali: cognome; email; nome

    • Gestione dei tag

      • Google Tag Manager

        Dati Personali: Dati di utilizzo

    • Interazione con piattaforme di raccolta dati e altre terze parti

      • Widget Mailchimp

        Dati Personali: email

    • Interazione con social network e piattaforme esterne

      • Pulsante Tweet e widget sociali di Twitter, Pulsante Mi Piace e widget sociali di Facebook , Pulsante “Pin it” e widget sociali di Pinterest e Pulsante +1 e widget sociali di Google+

        Dati Personali: Cookie; Dati di utilizzo

    • Pubblicità

      • Google Ad Manager, Google AdSense, Adform e Rubicon Project

        Dati Personali: Cookie; Dati di utilizzo

      • Jetpack

        Dati Personali: Dati di utilizzo; Strumenti di Tracciamento

    • Servizi di piattaforma e hosting


        Dati Personali: Strumenti di Tracciamento

    • Statistica

      • Wordpress Stat, StatCounter e Google Analytics (Universal Analytics)

        Dati Personali: Cookie; Dati di utilizzo

      • Google Analytics 4

        Dati Personali: Strumenti di Tracciamento

      • Quantcast Measure

        Dati Personali: Dati di utilizzo; Strumenti di Tracciamento

    • Visualizzazione di contenuti da piattaforme esterne

      • Widget Video YouTube e Widget Instagram

        Dati Personali: Cookie; Dati di utilizzo

      • Google Fonts

        Dati Personali: Dati di utilizzo; varie tipologie di Dati secondo quanto specificato dalla privacy policy del servizio

      • Font Awesome

        Dati Personali: Dati di utilizzo

Informazioni su come disattivare gli annunci pubblicitari basati sugli interessi

Oltre a qualsiasi funzione di opt-out fornita da uno qualsiasi dei servizi elencati in questo documento, gli Utenti possono leggere di più su come disattivare gli annunci pubblicitari basati sugli interessi nell'apposita sezione della Cookie Policy.

Ulteriori informazioni sul trattamento dei Dati Personali

    • Comment Likes

      This feature is only accessible to users logged in to

      Data Used: In order to process a comment like, the following information is used: user ID/username (you must be logged in to use this feature), the local site-specific user ID (if the user is signed in to the site on which the like occurred), and a true/false data point that tells us if the user liked a specific comment. If you perform a like action from one of our mobile apps, some additional information is used to track the activity: IP address, user agent, timestamp of event, blog ID, browser language, country code, and device info.

      Activity Tracked: Comment likes.

    • Jetpack Comments

      Data Used: Commenter’s name, email address, and site URL (if provided via the comment form), timestamp, and IP address. Additionally, a IFrame receives the following data: blog ID attached to the site, ID of the post on which the comment is being submitted, commenter’s local user ID (if available), commenter’s local username (if available), commenter’s site URL (if available), MD5 hash of the commenter’s email address (if available), and the comment content. If Akismet (also owned by Automattic) is enabled on the site, the following information is sent to the service for the sole purpose of spam checking: commenter’s name, email address, site URL, IP address, and user agent.

      Activity Tracked: The comment author’s name, email address, and site URL (if provided during the comment submission) are stored in cookies. Learn more about these cookies.

      Data Synced (?): All data and metadata (see above) associated with comments. This includes the status of the comment and, if Akismet is enabled on the site, whether or not it was classified as spam by Akismet.

    • Notifications

      This feature is only accessible to registered users of the site who are logged in to

      Data Used: IP address, user ID, username, site ID and URL, Jetpack version, user agent, visiting URL, referring URL, timestamp of event, browser language, country code. Some visitor-related information or activity may be sent to the site owner via this feature. This may include: email address, username, site URL, email address, comment content, follow actions, etc.

      Activity Tracked: Sending notifications (i.e. when we send a notification to a particular user), opening notifications (i.e. when a user opens a notification that they receive), performing an action from within the notification panel (e.g. liking a comment or marking a comment as spam), and clicking on any link from within the notification panel/interface.

    • Protect

      Data Used: In order to check login activity and potentially block fraudulent attempts, the following information is used: attempting user’s IP address, attempting user’s email address/username (i.e. according to the value they were attempting to use during the login process), and all IP-related HTTP headers attached to the attempting user.

      Activity Tracked: Failed login attempts (these include IP address and user agent). We also set a cookie (jpp_math_pass) for 1 day to remember if/when a user has successfully completed a math captcha to prove that they’re a real human. Learn more about this cookie.

      Data Synced (?): Failed login attempts, which contain the user’s IP address, attempted username or email address, and user agent information.

    • Subscriptions

      Data Used: To initiate and process subscriptions, the following information is used: subscriber’s email address and the ID of the post or comment (depending on the specific subscription being processed). In the event of a new subscription being initiated, we also collect some basic server data, including all of the subscribing user’s HTTP request headers, the IP address from which the subscribing user is viewing the page, and the URI which was given in order to access the page (REQUEST_URI and DOCUMENT_URI). This server data used for the exclusive purpose of monitoring and preventing abuse and spam.

      Activity Tracked: Functionality cookies are set for a duration of 347 days to remember a visitor’s blog and post subscription choices if, in fact, they have an active subscription.

Informazioni di contatto

    • Titolare del Trattamento dei Dati

      BIG adv S.n.c. - via Vittorio Veneto 11 - 35043 Monselice (Padova)

      Indirizzo email del Titolare: