Privacy Policy di

Questo Sito Web raccoglie alcuni Dati Personali dei propri Utenti.

Dati Personali trattati per le seguenti finalità e utilizzando i seguenti servizi:

    • Gestione contatti e invio di messaggi

      • Mailchimp

        Dati Personali: email

    • Gestione dei tag

      • Google Tag Manager

        Dati Personali: Strumenti di Tracciamento

    • Interazione con le piattaforme di live chat

      • Smartsupp

        Dati Personali: Dati comunicati durante l'utilizzo del servizio; Dati di utilizzo; Strumenti di Tracciamento; varie tipologie di Dati secondo quanto specificato dalla privacy policy del servizio; Video

    • Interazione con piattaforme di raccolta dati e altre terze parti

      • Widget Mailchimp

        Dati Personali: Strumenti di Tracciamento

    • Protezione dallo SPAM

      • Google reCAPTCHA

        Dati Personali: clic; Dati di utilizzo; eventi keypress; eventi relativi ai sensori di movimento; eventi touch; movimenti del mouse; posizione relativa allo scorrimento; risposte alle domande; Strumenti di Tracciamento

    • Pubblicità

      • Pubblico simile di Facebook

        Dati Personali: Dati di utilizzo; Strumento di Tracciamento

      • Monitoraggio conversioni di Meta ads (pixel di Meta)

        Dati Personali: Dati di utilizzo; Strumenti di Tracciamento

    • Remarketing e behavioral targeting

      • Facebook Remarketing

        Dati Personali: Dati di utilizzo; Strumento di Tracciamento

      • Pubblico personalizzato di Facebook

        Dati Personali: email; Strumento di Tracciamento

    • Statistica

      • Wordpress Stat e Google Analytics (Universal Analytics)

        Dati Personali: Cookie; Dati di utilizzo

      • Google Analytics (Universal Analytics) con IP anonimizzato e Meta Events Manager

        Dati Personali: Dati di utilizzo; Strumenti di Tracciamento

    • Visualizzazione di contenuti da piattaforme esterne

      • Google Fonts

        Dati Personali: Dati di utilizzo; varie tipologie di Dati secondo quanto specificato dalla privacy policy del servizio

      • Widget Video YouTube

        Dati Personali: Cookie; Dati di utilizzo

Informazioni su come disattivare gli annunci pubblicitari basati sugli interessi

Oltre a qualsiasi funzione di opt-out fornita da uno qualsiasi dei servizi elencati in questo documento, gli Utenti possono leggere di più su come disattivare gli annunci pubblicitari basati sugli interessi nell'apposita sezione della Cookie Policy.

Ulteriori informazioni sul trattamento dei Dati Personali

    • Smartsupp

      Smartsupp live chat is developed and operated by, s.r.o., VAT ID : CZ03668681 ("Smartsupp"). All user personal information is considered private. Smartsupp does not share any personal information of its users with 3rd parties.

      Where is personal information stored?
      Personal information is stored on Smartsupp servers, which are located in Czech Republic. Czech Republic is a member state of European Union. Data are not stored or being sent outside of European Union in any way.

      How is personal information secured?
      Smartsupp protects personal information with use of latest industry standards and security measures. Communication between Smartsupp chat module and Smartsupp servers is secured by SSL/TLS encryption (secure sockets layer / transport layer security). Communication between Smartsupp servers and Smartsupp dashboard is also secured by SSL/TLS encryption. Personal information is stored on Smartsupp servers and complies with with TIER 3+ security standard.

      Smartsupp user can access and edit his personal information after signing in his Smartsupp account at To sign in, the user has to know his login credentials - email address and password. There is no way to access personal information without knowing the login credentials, therefore no unauthorized party can access it. The sign in process - same as the whole account and domain - is also secured with SSL/TLS encryption.

      What kind of personal information is being collected?
      Smartsupp might, but is not obliged to, collect following information. All personal information mentioned below is considered private and is handled according to this privacy statement.

      1. User personal information: personal info of companies or individuals who created an account on website and/or are using Smartsupp live chat on their website. Upon account creation user has to fill in his name/company email address and a password. User can change or update this information after signing in his account on In his account his can also enter further information as job title or personal motto. User can create new agent accounts and enter above mention personal information about his colleagues for the purpose of those agent accounts. If the user decided to activate a paid version of Smartsupp, he is asked to fill in his billing information and contact email for billing purposes.

      Smartsupp payments are handled by external services Gopay and PayPal, which are specialized in processing financial transactions. These external services can ask client to fill in his credit card information, bank account information or other information in order to successfully make a payment for Smartsupp paid account. All personal and financial information mentioned in this paragraph is processed solely by given external service and Smartsupp doesn't have any access to this information neither is it stored on Smartsupp servers.

      2. Visitor personal information: visitors of website, or visitors of any website where Smartsupp live chat is used, might enter personal information into the Smartsupp live chat. Visitors can enter the information either in the chat conversation or in a pre-chat form before the conversation starts. This information is also stored Smartsupp servers.

      Every Smartsupp user has access to personal information of visitors of his website, where he is using Smartsupp live chat. Because the visitor provided the personal information on website of the Smartsupp user, this creates a legal relation between the Smartsupp user and visitor of his website. Smartsupp user can access and handle personal information of his visitors collected through Smartsupp live chat placed on his website. Smartsupp user should handle the personal information of his users according to his own privacy policy and/or terms & conditions. Smartsupp is in no way responsible for behavior or acts of Smartsupp users in connection to handling visitor personal information. Protection and handling of visitor personal information collected by the Smartsupp user is in sole responsibility of the Smartsupp user.

      3. Technical information: while using Smartsupp live chat, certain technical data about visitors might be collected by Smartsupp, e.g. IP address, type and version of browser, type and version of operating system, approximate location etc.

      How do we use Cookie files?
      While using Smartsupp live chat or other Smartsupp services, temporary files, known as Cookie files, can be stored and processed by Smartsupp. By processing cookie files personal information might be collected and linked with the visitor. This personal information is used solely to improve the Smartsupp services. Smartsupp respects privacy of its users and visitors and while processing Cookie files we follow privacy rules of European Union.

      Visitor can prevent collection and storing of Cookie files by browsing the web in Incognito (private) mode, where he remains anonymous. This mode is supported in all modern browsers. By doing so, the user acknowledges that Smartsupp services might not work properly and that use of Smartsupp services can exhibit unexpected behavior.

      Changes of this privacy policy
      Smartsupp reserves the right to change or update this privacy policy without further notice. It's recommended that users check this privacy policy regularly to have the latest information about Smartsupp privacy policy. Up-to-date version of this privacy policy can always be found on our website

Informazioni di contatto

    • Titolare del Trattamento dei Dati

      SOME srl - Via E. de Amicis, 30 - 20123 Milano

      Indirizzo email del Titolare: