Privacy Policy of

This Website collects some Personal Data from its Users.

Personal Data processed for the following purposes and using the following services:

    • Analytics

      • Google Analytics (Universal Analytics)

        Personal Data: Cookies; Usage Data

      • Google Analytics (Universal Analytics) with anonymized IP

        Personal Data: Tracker; Usage Data

      • Google Analytics Demographics and Interests reports

        Personal Data: Tracker; unique device identifiers for advertising (Google Advertiser ID or IDFA, for example)

    • Collection of privacy-related preferences

      • iubenda Cookie Solution

        Personal Data: Tracker

    • Contacting the User

      • Contact form

        Personal Data: email address; first name; last name

    • Displaying content from external platforms

      • Font Awesome

        Personal Data: Tracker; Usage Data

    • Managing contacts and sending messages

      • Mailgun

        Personal Data: date of birth; email address; first name; last name; phone number; Tracker; Usage Data

    • SPAM protection

      • Akismet

        Personal Data: various types of Data as specified in the privacy policy of the service

    • Tag Management

      • Google Tag Manager

        Personal Data: Tracker

Information on opting out of interest-based advertising

In addition to any opt-out feature provided by any of the services listed in this document, Users may learn more on how to generally opt out of interest-based advertising within the dedicated section of the Cookie Policy.

Further information about the processing of Personal Data

    • Brief information on Cookies and Privacy Policy

      WHO ARE WE?
      Our company is IC DESIGNS, located in Ascoli Piceno, Villa Sant’Antonio c/o CIT (vat number 02240010443), in its legal representative pro tempore and we process the personal data such as Data Controllers: this means IC DESIGNS is responsible of how the personal data of users are processed and protected.
      You can ask information on the processing and exercise your rights addressing your email to or if you prefer you can send a letter to IC DESIGNS, Villa Sant’Antonio c/o CIT, 63100 Ascoli Piceno (Italy).
      The web page you are now consulting is IC DESIGNS.

      We use your data 1) to manage the services offered on our website, to answer questions and reply to requests, moreover, if desired, 2) to send information and commercial communications, and 3) to improve product offers and services through web.
      The legal basis of the processing of personal data of users are respectively 1) the legitimate interest of the holder, 2) the consent that the user can give and revoke at any time, 3) the legitimate interest of the holder to manage the data of users; the consent of the user to analyze the grade of satisfaction and use of the website. The data may be processed 4) for the fulfillment of legal obligations.

      We will share users data with service suppliers that assist us to pursue the aims indicated above, for example third party companies with whom we’ve made an agreement and that can be established within or without the European Union.

      USERS RIGHTS. Users have the rights of access to, adjustment, erasure, limitation of, or objection to the processing of your data, as well as data portability rights which we will explain in detail further on.

      The user is invited to read carefully our complete private and cookie policy here reported to acknowledge throughly how we use your data.

    • Extended Privacy and Cookie Policy

      In accordance with applicable privacy laws art. 13-14, EU Regulations 679/2016 and Legislative decree 196/2003

      IC DESIGNS, located in Ascoli Piceno, Villa Sant’Antonio c/o CIT (vat number 02240010443), in its legal representative pro tempore, Data Controller in accordance to EU Regulations 679/2016 and Legislative decree 196/2003,


      the User of website (will follow in abbreviated form as website), that your personal information will be processed in an ethical and transparent manner, only for lawful purposes, and in a manner that safeguards your privacy and your rights.

      The updated list of Controllers responsible for processing personal data is available and consultable at the legal headoffice of the company.

      Purposes/Aims and legal basis of the policy
      The processing of personal data is done by the Data Controller, in compliance to safety and law regulations as indicated above, or from delegated subjects (selected and professionaly skilled), with manual and informatic procedures. Aims of processing:

      1.To manage the services offered in our website, to process all requests. The private data of the user are processed to fulfil information requests sent through the form “contacts”: such services are necessary to allow a correct processing of information requests. We only process the necessary data pertinent to handle the user’s request which can also arrive by e-mail, as well as all those cases that allow an interaction between subjects. Private data can be used to handle eventual credits and controversies. These are based on the legitimate interest of the holder (art. 6 comma 1 f) GDPR).
      According to the balance of interests, it is in our legitimate interest to process our website users’ requests. The processing of such information is also convenient for the user because it allows an adeguate assistance and reply to his/her questions.
      We also use the data to contact the user for communications linked to services, products and functionality. The processings depend on the legitimate interest of the holder or on the consent authorized by the user (art. 6, comma 1 a) GDPR), consent that can be revoked in any moment. If the user’s request is directly conntected to the exercise of his/her rights, the legal basis of processing derives from the respect of the obligations imposed by the applicable law (art. 6 comma 1 c) GDPR).

      2. For marketing purposes. Data is processed as follows: the personal data of the user (for example identity information) can be used with effect from May 25, 2018 on the base of the legitimate interest of IC DESIGNS to supply a service to the users, in compliance to the respect and protection of their rights. The law that regulates the processing of data for marketing purposes is art., comma 1 f) GDPR (legitimate interest).
      Moreover, if the user subscribes to our newsletter and gives consent or contacts us authorizing his/her consent for marketing purposes which are pertinent to our products, services, events, market research through traditional comunications and at distance, the personal data will be processed to handle such subscription to the newsletter or user’s request. Furthermore, we could send newsletters and communications via push notifications, if the user activates such service on his/her mobile.
      The subscription to a newsletter can be cancelled or modified at any moment without costs by following the instructions given in every communication. If the user doesn’t want to receive push notifications anymore, the function can be uninstalled from his/her mobile. The data is also processed for promotional purposes (for example, recruitment competitions), to involve in events and demonstrations, to erogate services, and for other direct or undirect operations attributable to marketing activities.
      The legal basis of private data processing for marketing purposes, therefore, can be the official consent regulated by art. 6, comma 1 a) GDPR. For example, the user can decide to give consent and accept to receive commercial and promotional information pertinent to our products, services, events, market research through traditional comunications and at distance. The user can authorize push notifications on his/her mobile and consent to participate in promotional activities.
      Data authorization for marketing purposes is optional and the prior consent can in any case be revoked; the eventual refusal to give consent does not have consequences on the main relationship established between the parties.

      3. To collect useful elements that improve the product and service offers through web. Your browsing data will be processed for analytical and statistical purposes, so we can understand how users interact with our website and improve the service. Moreover, we occasionally investigate on the quality to acknowledge the grade of satisfaction of our customers and detect areas of possible improvement.
      The legal basis to collect useful information to improve the offer of products and services through web is art. 6 comma 1 f) GDPR, that is the legitimate interest of the holder to process users browsing data; with the consent of the user (art. 6, comma 1 a) GDPR) we can analyse the use of the website and the grade of satisfaction. This is also advantageous for the users as it will improve the quality of the browsing experience.

      4. For ordinary administrative, financial and accounting activities: the legal basis is the fulfillment of legal obligations art. 6, comma 1 c) GDPR).

      Processed data
      The company can make a selection of the data they intend to use. Generally, this selection will depend on the case: identification data: name, surname, email address, telephone; information on purchases, if supplied by the user; connection, geolocation and browsing data: IP address, operating system and browser used , hour and date of connection and disconnection, time, pages visited, activities, localizations (if the service is active) and whatever made available from the users computer, depending on the security settings; commercial information: for example, if the user subscribes to a newsletter and consents to receive commercial communications, or in case of legitimate interest of the holder for marketing purposes.
      The holder performs the processing of personal data, telematic and eventual phone numbers, besides other essential required to satisfy requests or fulfill commitments. The provision is therefore obligatory.
      For example, the failure to include personal data causes the inability to request information in the section “contacts” or the inability to receive services or benefit from the functionality required.
      Commercial data, instead, is collected with the only purpose to adapt promotional campaigns, offers and, in general, the corporate activity, in the interest of the customers and other involved subjects. Therefore, their assignment is not compulsory, and the eventual refusal to the treatment or withdrawal of consent does not affect the establishment or continuation of the main report. The providing of consent for promotional purposes (for ex. marketing) and the eventual refusal to give consent is optional and does not cause negative consequences on unsolicited communications.

      Minors that have turned 14 can give consent to the processing of personal data in direct connection with the offering services of the information society. Minors 14 of age cannot supply data without the consent of parents or eventual tutors. The holder will not be responsible for false statements supplied by minors and, whenever false statements are ascertained, will immediately cancel all personal information received.
      Minors under the age of 18 cannot approve or subscribe contracts, terms and conditions of the service.

      Data automatically collected
      Browsing data: the computer systems and the applications dedicated to this website reveal, during the operations, some data whose transmissions are implicit to the use of internet protocol communications. These data are not directly associated to users but, by their nature, can allow the identification of the user thanks to the elaboration and association with data processed by thirds.
      Among the data are included the IP addresses and domain names of the computers used by the users that get connected to the website, the URL addresses (Uniform Resource Locator) of the resource requested, the time of the request, the method used to send the request to the server, the dimension of the file received, the numerical code used to indicate the status of the request given by the server (performed successfully or error, ecc.) and other parameteres relative to the operating system and users’ computers.
      These data are used only to realize anonymous statistics on the use of the website and to control its correct functioning. Normally these data are cancelled right after their elaboration. They can be used and communicated to authorities such as the police to ascertain responsibilities in case of damage of the website or offenses perpetrated through the web.

      Data collected using cookies.
      User data transferred.
      When the user fills the form “contacts” available in the website, when he/she subscribes to newsletters, we acquire his/her personal data. The data is updated and protected adequately, in accordance to the best procedures available. The requests of information through e-mail implicate the memorization of the user’s e-mail address, necessary to give reply to the sender’s requests. The data written in the message are also included. The holder advices customers to not transmit their personal information to thirds, save exceptional cases.

      This website uses cookies. Cookies consist of informatic registrations transmitted by a web server to the user’s computer for a future identification of the computer in case of future connections to the website. Cookies are small files which are transferred to the hard disk when connecting to a website.
      The data which is revealed consists of the geographical localization of the service supplier, the kind of browser used, the IP address, the pages visisted, ecc. Information detected in this way allows to check the frequency of visits to a website and the activities done during the browsing. In this way, it is possible to improve the contents of a website and facilitate its use. Even companies that transmit contents to the website or whose websites are accessible by link can use cookies when the user selects the relative connection. In these cases the use of cookies is not under the direct control of the Data controller. Great part of the browsers accept cookies automatically, but you can also refuse or select some according to the preferences set by the user. The regulation or modification of settings can be done consulting the guide of the producer. Instructions on how to handle or remove cookies are available on the websites of the corresponding home makers. In any case, if the user inhibits the load of cookes, some components of the website can stop working and some pages can result incomplete. Here are some links where you can find information on browser settings: » Google Chrome » Firefox » Internet Explorer » Safari

      Essential technical Cookies
      These cookies are necessary to assure a correct and fluid functioning of the website: they allow page navigation and the improvement of the experience of navigation. Without these cookies we could not supply the services for which users access the website.

      Analytics cookies
      Analytics cookies allow to understand the way users use the website. In this way we can judge and improve the functioning and realize more appropriate contents according to the users preferences. For example, the cookies permit to know the pages that are more or less followed, how many visit the website, how much time users stay in the website and in which modality the users visit our website. In this way we can determine the optimal functionings and the contents most appreciated. All the information collected by these cookies are anonymous and not connected to the personal data of users.

      Social Network and third parties
      The company’s website has hyperlinks to Facebook, Twitter and Instagram of Isabella Costantini Designs, to give further services and information to the user. More information can be found by the websites of the companies that offer the service. The company’s website, also only periodically, can contain links to websites of third parties, to supply further services and information to the user. When the user connects to these links, he/she leaves our website and accesses to other resources which are not controlled by the Data Controller, who, therefore, will not be responsible of procedures relating to navigation, of the security and processing of personal data, although in the presence of co-branding and exposure of the company logo. We recommend a careful examination of the security and confidentiality of the visited website, that could transmit further cookies, read those already present in the user’s hard disk and acquire additional personal information.

      Communication and dissemination
      The processed data are of a general nature and are not intended for circulation. The holder has no interest in processing data classified by the Regulation as “particular” (sensitive, judicial, genetic, biometric) save the legal obligations.
      The data must be transferred to third parties in the fulfillment of obligations arising from laws or regulations (institutions, police, Judicial authority, etc.) for activities directly or indirectly connected to the relationship established. IC DESIGNS can communicate the data strictly necessary for each processing purpose to the following categories here reported by way of example and not exhaustive.
      Subjects that need to accede to the data for purposes connected to the relationship established with the holder (lenders, financial Intermediaries, electronic money institutions and payment processing, credit collection companies, customer due diligence societies, carriers); consultants, collaborators, service company, within the limits necessary to execute the mandate given by the Holder.
      Companies that are controlled and/or connected that have access to the data, within the limitations strictly necessary to execute the operations entrusted by the Holder. The data can be communicated to subjects operating in the European Union, or in countries that guarantee the same safety level required by the European Rule 679/2016. For service efficiency reasons, some service providers operate outside the European Union. In these circumstances, the users’ data are transferred with appropriate safeguards and in respect of the safety of the same; others are in possession of the certification Privacy Shield. In any case, the data processed in foreign countries will be adjusted according to the strictest regulations, to assure the highest level of respect of the data protection. The data can be transferred to third parties, if the interested part gave consent for reasons directly or indirectly connected to the activity of the Holder.

      Data retention time
      The personal data processed by the holder will be conserved only for the period necessary to reach the aims mentioned above or as provided by law (current civil, fiscal and tax regulations). The personal data will be cancelled at the latest after 10 years from the expiry of eventual retention periods (ordinary prescription).
      The data supplied for activities such as commercial communications, opinion polls and market research, will be conserved until the demand of interruption or for 2 years. The data processed are verified periodically, also with automatic procedures, to guarantee the update and effective correspondence to the purposes of processing.

      Rights of the data subject
      According to Rule laws 15 to 21 and art. 13 comma 2 letters b and d, the data subject can exercise the following rights: the right to accede to his/her personal data and obtain a copy; obtain the correction of inaccurate personal data; ask the cancellation of the personal data; obtain the limitation of the processed data; receive the personal data in a structured format with the purpose to exercise the right of data portability; oppose to the processing of personal data; revoke consensus at any time in the case where this constitutes the basis of the treatment (the revocation of consensus does not affect the permissibility of treatment based on the consensus done before the revocation). The exercise of the rights can be with the request by email to The holder can proceed accordingly without delay and, in any case, within one month from the receipt. The terms can be extended two months, if necessary, depending on the complexity and quantity of requests received. In these cases, the holder will inform the subject within one month time explaining the reasons of the extension.
      The subject, whenever unsatisfied of the explanations given by the Data controller or by the Responsible of the protection of data, can make claim to the Guarantor Authority for the Protection of Personal Data, located in Rome, Piazza di Monte Citorio n. 121,

      Modifications of the Privacy and Cookie Policy
      When necessary, the information included in this privacy and cookie policy can be modified. We invite the user to view this policy to make his/her own evaluation and, where appropriate, oppose to or cancel eventual services and functions, verify eventual minor changes or interactive enhancements considering that the policy is always available on our website.

Contact information

    • Owner and Data Controller

      IC DESIGNS, con sede legale in – 63100 Ascoli Piceno (Italia), Località Villa Sant’Antonio presso il CIT

      Owner contact email: