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app_store_rejections 2

Your app is getting rejected after having submitted it potentially weeks earlier and being very hopeful. What happened? 

The most annoying reason you can get is “Metadata Rejected” and you’re being sent to the Resolution Center. It’s annoying because it hasn’t got anything to do with the app itself and because it could be so easy to do. 

The process usually goes something like this:

Apple: How do you secure user data?
You: I use Parse and Stripe.
Apple: You need a privacy policy.
You: Okay.

What happens then is that you’ll be sent to the actual rule that Apple thinks applies to you. And this is what’s happening a lot of times since the launch of iOS 8. Even Dave Verwer an iOS developer and known newsletter host wrote about the fact that Apple posted about privacy policies on their developer blog:

I’m guessing that this post was prompted by the fact that using HomeKit, HealthKit or keyboard extensions in iOS 8 all now requireyou to include a privacy policy. However if you look at the list of conditions for where a policy is necessary, I won’t be surprised if this field gets changed to be mandatory for all apps soon. If you don’t have a privacy policy then you might want to check out Iubenda who have a really good, simple policy generator.

Of course there’s a good reason why there are a lot of posts about this topic on this blog. We’d like to help iOS developers crafting their privacy policies.


Amazon App PrivacyWhere Is the Privacy Policy Link in the App Store?Privacy policy url in iTunes Connect post iOS 9/for iOS 10

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iubenda is the easiest and most professional way to generate a privacy policy for your website, mobile app and facebook app

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Sometimes the best choice is to "just give it a try"

iubenda is the easiest and most professional way to generate a privacy policy for your website, mobile app and facebook app

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