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We just launched a new Cookie Solution feature, further improving our Cookie Preference Log: filters by date and time.

In addition to the possibility of retrieving user-specific records, you can now filter by current hour, day and month, or specify a custom timeframe.

Cookie Preference Log - Filter by date and time

For more information on retrieving and filtering users’ cookies preferences, check our guide →

💡 Have you enabled the Cookie Preference Log yet?

Many Data Protection Authorities across Europe (including the UK, France, Italy, Belgium, and more) have aligned their rules on cookies and trackers with the requirements of the GDPR and now explicitly require you to document your users’ preferences for the use of cookies.

Check it out here →

We've released a Magento 2 Module for the Cookie SolutionCookie Solution and New IAB Framework IntegrationCookie Solution plugins & PHP class updates and improvements

About Us

iubenda is the easiest and most professional way to generate a privacy policy for your website, mobile app and facebook app

Generate a privacy policy now

Ready in a few steps and built to meet the needs of both website and mobile app owners

Generate your privacy policy now

Sometimes the best choice is to "just give it a try"

iubenda is the easiest and most professional way to generate a privacy policy for your website, mobile app and facebook app

Generate your privacy policy now