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How to use iubenda privacy and cookie policy on a Jimdo website


Jimdo has recently introduced some limitations for free plans, preventing you from including HTML code into your pages and editing your footer. As a result, these guidelines apply to JimdoPro and JimdoBusiness plans only.

You have 2 options to integrate our privacy policy on Jimdo Pro/Business:

  • direct link
  • direct text embedding

Direct link

Go to the Jimdo dashboard and click on your site, open the menu, and go to “Settings > General > Footer”:

Jimdo - Dashboard

Use the direct link integration method to create a text link to your policy in HTML similar to the following.
Note: “12345678” is just a sample, your policy will have a different value

<a href="https://www.iubenda.com/privacy-policy/12345678" target="_blank">Privacy Policy</a>

Insert this HTML (again, don’t copy & paste this example, but use your privacy policy link) into the “Copyright Notice” field and uncheck “Privacy Policy” in “Footer Content” to prevent the link to the default Jimdo policy page being shown:

Jimdo - iubenda direct link

Click on “Save” and you are done.

Direct text embedding

First, you’ll need to create a new page where you’ll embed the text generated by iubenda. To do so, go to the Jimdo dashboard, select your site and click the “Edit Navigation” button that appears when you hover the header:

Jimdo - Edit navigation

Click on “Add a new page”, name it “Privacy Policy”, click on the “Hide page” button (the one with the one-eye icon, used to prevent the item from being visible in the main navigation menu) and then “Save”:

Jimdo - Privacy Policy

Now click on the newly created “Privacy Policy” menu item (it’s ticked because users will not see it in the header), you should have a blank page:

Jimdo - Privacy Policy

Click on “Add Element > More Elements and Add-ons > Widget / HTML”:

Jimdo - Privacy Policy

Copy & paste the iubenda code and click on “Save”:

Jimdo - iubenda direct text embedding

Now that you have a page that includes the iubenda policy, all you have to do is adding a link to the footer: similarly to the previous method, we’ll insert a link in the “Copyright Notice” field.

Copy this line of HTML code:

<a href="/privacy-policy">Privacy Policy</a>

Paste it in the “Copyright Notice” field and uncheck “Privacy Policy” in “Footer Content” (“Settings > General > Footer”) to avoid showing the link to the default Jimdo policy page:

Jimdo - Privacy Policy link

Click on “Save” and you are done.

Note: If you are a JimdoBusiness user, instead of a link in the “Copyright Notice” field and unchecking “Privacy Policy” in “Footer Content”, you can consider a 301 redirect (“SEO > URL Redirects”) from the default privacy page (/j/privacy) to the one you just created (/privacy-policy). For more information visit the Jimdo Support Center.

See also