A no guarantee disclaimer is a legal statement declaring that a company cannot ensure or promise a specific outcome for a product, service, or piece of content. It is commonly used to limit liability in situations where the actual result may differ from what was expected.
To better understand the meaning of no guarantee, take a look at this example of a no guarantee disclaimer:
We make no guarantees or promises regarding the performance of our products. Results may vary, and we are not responsible for any unexpected outcomes or issues arising from their use.
The meaning of no guarantee is tied to the one of guarantee.
The term “guarantee” refers to an assurance or promise that something will have a specific outcome or meet certain expectations. For example, it may refer to a promise that a product will work in a particular way or deliver a specific result. A closely related term is “warranty,” which also implies a formal assurance, often in the context of products or services.
Learn more about disclaimers with our guides:
👉 Disclaimer Examples For Your Website
👉 Warranty Disclaimer: What It Is and How It Protects Your Business
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