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How to Resolve Fatal Plugin Error and Restore Access to WordPress

If you’re having trouble accessing your WordPress Admin due to a fatal error caused by a plugin, for example our plugin, don’t worry – there are steps you can take to fix it!

Firstly, you’ll need to pinpoint the cause of the error

You may see a message similar to this:

“Fatal error: Call to a member function get_cart() on a non-object in .../html/wp-content/plugins/example-plugin-for-iubenda/iubenda-integration/your-page.php on line 2117.”

This means the plugin located at /wp-content/plugins/example-plugin-for-iubenda/ is causing the error.

You can try updating or disabling the plugin to get around the error. But sometimes this is not possible if you lose access to the WordPress backend – so you need to follow the steps below:

Log in to your site via FTP

To access the folders containing the files causing the error, you’ll need to log in to your site via FTP. Since you can’t access the WordPress Admin, this is the only way to do it.

If you’re not familiar with how to connect to your website using FTP, – just reach out to your hosting provider for further instructions.

Rename the conflicting plugin folder

After logging into your site, you need to go to the plugin folder causing the conflict.

The folder of our plugin is usually /wp-content/plugins/iubenda-cookie-law-solution

By renaming this folder, you will effectively ‘disable’ it and be able to access your WordPress Admin again.

Once you’ve done this, you’ll see an error message indicating that the plugin no longer exists – this is because we renamed the folder to resolve the issue.

Resolve the root of the issue

This will allow you to log back in to your WordPress Admin without seeing the error message. Keep in mind that if the plugin or theme causing the issue was not developed by iubenda, we won’t be able to provide further support. In that case, you should contact the third-party developer for assistance.

If you determine that the plugin causing the error is the iubenda WordPress plugin

Make sure you have the latest version before seeking further help.

Remember, updating is the most important step towards getting a quick resolution.

To confirm the version number

If updating the product doesn’t solve the issue, you can open a new ticket, and our friendly support in multiple languages will assist you.

By taking these steps, you can resolve the fatal error caused by a plugin and get back to using your WordPress site.